Gynecologist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Gynecologist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Mexico $287,680
Colorado $286,560
Indiana $285,180
Alabama $284,380
South Carolina $283,910
Alaska $281,170
Wisconsin $278,730
South Dakota $274,250
Connecticut $272,080
Delaware $268,530
North Dakota $268,240
New Jersey $267,990
Rhode Island $266,280
Montana $265,440
Wyoming $265,190
Kentucky $263,820
Washington $259,620
Utah $256,950
Ohio $255,560
Florida $255,530
North Carolina $255,100
Massachusetts $254,530
Iowa $254,100
New Hampshire $252,860
Pennsylvania $251,640
Minnesota $247,360
Georgia $242,220
Nebraska $241,350
Hawaii $237,050
Mississippi $234,160
New York $230,250
Virginia $225,630
District of Columbia $225,260
Texas $215,300
Oklahoma $214,640
Illinois $207,800
Maine $207,190
Vermont $206,420
Oregon $204,220
Missouri $203,450
Arizona $202,120
California $201,170
Tennessee $197,080
Maryland $197,010
Kansas $188,770
Arkansas $171,100
Michigan $153,880

How do gynecologist salaries compare to similar careers?

Gynecologists earn 11% more than similar careers in South Carolina.

Career Median Salary
Orthodontist salary $280K
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon salary $257K
Anesthesiologist salary $254K
Family practitioner salary $236K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)