There are currently an estimated 63,800 actors in the United States. The actor job market is expected to grow by 11.6% between 2016 and 2026.

How employable are actors?

CareerExplorer rates actors with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 12,400 actors. That number is based on 7,400 additional actors, and the retirement of 5,000 existing actors.

Are actors in demand?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), ‘most roles, no matter how minor, have many actors auditioning for them.’ Job growth in the motion picture segment of the industry is forecasted to be fairly good for new movie and television shows, particularly as competition in this sector heightens and as traditional networks and internet streaming services compete for viewers’ attention and loyalty. Theatre actors are expected to see fewer opportunities in their field, as smaller theatres encounter difficulty securing funding and potentially reduce performances. Mobile and web productions may provide new acting opportunities, but the impact of these new delivery methods is relatively unknown.

What’s the supply of actors?

The actor industry is concentrated in California, New York, Illinois

Actor job market by state

State Name Employed Actors
California 13,000
New York 6,610
Illinois 2,040
Georgia 2,010
Texas 1,720
Pennsylvania 1,550
Missouri 1,300
Massachusetts 1,060
Maryland 850
Arizona 800
Virginia 710
Utah 710
Florida 680
Connecticut 680
Ohio 620
Washington 560
Michigan 350
North Carolina 340
Tennessee 340
Colorado 320
District of Columbia 260
Wisconsin 210
Indiana 210
Minnesota 210
South Carolina 200
Oregon 180
Nevada 180
Hawaii 160
New Hampshire 80
Puerto Rico 50
Alaska 40